Monday 6 September 2021

Portrait - Best collection from Art World Portrait & Self-portrait 6th to 12th September 2021


Portrait - Best collection from Art World
Portrait &
6th to 12th September 2021
Mon Ross @monross
Lucia Giri @luciagiriphotography
Shanthi Kasi @shanthi.kasi
Vijay Bhandare @vijaybhandare
Sourav Haldar @powerkicker02i
Uttam Sajane @sajaneuttam
Arindam Sinha @arindam1300
Avijit Mukherjee @avijitmukerjee
Ciby Samuel @ciby_samuel
Pallavi Shelokar Bate @a.creative.bee
Purshottam Pawar @purshottam_pawar
Sanika .V. Desai @sanika.desai.9406
Mahesh Soundatte @soundattemahesh
Moderator by Tathi Premchand
Credits: Anjali Dutt / Heena Sk
Evaluated by Nippon Team